
I have two dogs.One of them is a puppy MY puppy.the other dog is my dads.The puppy name is buddy and the other dog is a senoir hes 10.He's name is Aronld.Buddy is so funny my nick names for him are:bugster,enchlada full of otmeal becease he loves otmeal.On Christmas Eve i was eating otmeal for breakfast and he always use to beg for our food. My dad gave him my bowl because there was otmeal on the sides and he licked it clean.the reason why I call him enchlada is because he a little chunky.I dont know where i got the word bugster from.
So one night i was gettign ready to go to bed and i was saying good night to my dad and mom.Buddy jumped on the bed. I was suprised because the bed is really high.So he has a friend  that lives down the street her name is shelby and they like lay on the others back.So buddy was on the bed with my dad and Aronld.Buddy layed on top of Aronld and when he did Aronld gave us this look like what is wrong with this puppy.I was so funny!
Befor buddy came and joined the family Aronld was the only dog and  he used to smile at my dad:-].It was so werid
I have had two fish's they both died because i was six and i over feed them on accedent. 
 The frist fish i got was from lauren at my birthday party.
One time when i was little I got some of my mom red lipstick and put it all oner aronld.Buddy wasent born yet i just got Buddy last summer!
It got a Zoo,Zoo pet and when ever i put on the floor Buddy goes up to it and barkes and then hops back.Its so funny!!:-]
Arond has been acting really werid latley he hasent been eating and hasent been comming out of is little igloo. 
    dont for get if you like my website visit my friend website
 tell her that natalie told you to go to her website on her blog please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :-] hi


My puppy Buddy


this is AAronld  hes my dads dog and hes been paying alot more attention to me.:-]